Sunday, June 10, 2007


Have just finished making an enormous Moussaka, as Paddy is coming over tonight to watch Monsoon Wedding. I have been sewing too of course, and baking bread, two batches today, and Norma and I had a wild windy walk across Rosa Gulley to the MacQuarie Lighthouse, past our old house; such heavy seas the spume came right up the cliff. It is quite different from Californian Pacific, the water is bluer and of course it is simply familiar to me, the number of times I have watched the sun come up over the sea, and now I watch it set there!

Ned was so bored I offered to teach him Gap folding, but he couldn't handle that amount of fun. I think.

We did manage a madly effective shopping expedition. Ned went to get the technical stuff, car charger for mum's cell phone, new XBox for himself, and Nom, mum and I got the definitive charcoal roll-necked skivvy for mum, and socks, all in one swoop, no Greek Ships, no waiting, all back to the car and out of there within about forty-five minutes. Divine intervention, I am sure.

This is a long weekend with a Dr Who special, very strange for me to watch an English programme in Australia with a Californian sensibility. Even the ads are low-key and commonsensical to my Americanised consciousness. And the clothes are classier - in the shops I mean.

It is still very stormy, the trees shedding branches all over the place but visibly greener, flocks of rainbow lorikeets damp but as noisy and bright as ever. And we saw a perfect rainbow over Double Bay, and as we watched another one formed behind it.


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