So, Da Godmother is come among us and we have been all over. This afternoon though she is taking Felix, or he her, on the definitive sunglasses hunt, with digressions. I am husbanding my energies for the Rose Tour tomorrow, when we will learn how to distill essence from the petals. Very heaven.
I pottered this morning, making bread and candle, whacking in all protruding nails from the recycled timbers, potting up cuttings, spreading fertiliser and joy wherever I go. The net looks functional and handsome draped along the fence, and the buoys and floats tactfully point up that it is a
fishing net, yes! I have a long thin mirror behind the old lilies in an attempt to give them more light - I moved most of them to a sunny spot before I raised the bed but two stay-behinds have struggled through the extra twelve inches of soil and I haven't the heart to ignore such gallantry.
Yesterday after lunch with Cissy at the Half Day I frogmarched Eileen to Bare Escentuals and we had a very satisfactory session. She hates foundation so I have been touting these powders as if I owned shares, and I thought she looked wonderful. We got talking about eyebrows and I ended up redoing the makeup artists' so I was a happy missionary. I love eyebrows.
We then visited a grim commune in Tiburon with Stefan, luxurious, unfocussed and joyless. Once we had handed over the lens rings and seen the grounds I couldn't wait to get out of there but managed to be in good-visitor mode right until someone demonstrated the vibrating plate in the gym. Straight face very hard to maintain. They have a gym, and employ gardeners. Heretics.