Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thoughts of Gastronomy

It has taken a long time for blog-worthy thoughts to bubble upwards, and some bore even me.

Food. I just have to record the simple trail I follow between Scylla and Ch.......??, sweet and stodge.

Breakfast is usually cottage cheese, berries, nuts, ground flax seed, lecithin and a slurp of yoghourt. Coffee, with quarter the milk I used to have.

Mid-morning if the need arises, half a cup of unsweetened apple sauce with half a teaspoon of cinnamon (for a reason). Green tea.

Lunch, salad and chicken or sliced deli beef or such. Yesterday we also had delicious fat artichokes, with butter. I drank cider vinegar.

Afternoon, a cup of soup. Evening, leftover porc aux pruneaux with green beans. Nightcap, an apple and a bath in Epsom Salts.

Stefan ate the same, but with the addition of muffin, olive bread, biscuits and rice at appropriate places, and ice cream if he wants. He of course retains his slim figure even on that regime. I am slowly shrinking, though it isn't the primary objective.

I carry a tin of sardines and and apple with me, for emergencies. I have rediscovered how much I love sardines, especially the tiny ones in olive oil. they take me back to the beach picnic at Burton Bradstock when there was a Mackerel Tide and we just picked them off the strand, still alive.


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