Hawk Hill
Up again to Hawk Hill in brilliant sunshine and a view that stretched way down the coast, the Golden Gate and bridge, Presidio, Pacifica, then further round downtown, Alcatraz, Angel Island and the East Bay in the distance. No fog at all but no hawks for us to shoot either, but we enjoyed the drive, the walk and the view. Felix has been with us for some looking after, very pale and snuffly and willing to sit by the fire or on the sofa and be fed and plied with tea and honey-and-lemon.
The picture above has nothing to do with Hawk Hill of course - Annapurna I think... Ned, Siena, Mike and Norma on their trip. Mike managed to send the photo to Jean, who sent it to mum, who sent it to me, all the way from Nepal. "...and all flesh shall see it together" - Isaiah was obviously foreseeing the web.
I have been counting my blessings while feeling very drab despite several exciting new projects, strange that feeling and fact can be so out of register. I am grateful that my children are so accessible while feeling isolated from my friends and larger family despite (or because of) the flurry of communication at the end of the year. Could the solstice, the full moon, the king tides sweep our energy out to sea so we must hibernate? It has been spectacular this year, and very informative, for the 7'2" tide was still a good 8" short of the pier, so it must have been the rain that made the difference last year and took the water right over the boards. We will have more rain this week, bad timing as we have an outdoor shoot on Boxing Day (Felix's birthday).
My books at the moment:
Nothing to Spare - life stories of pioneer women in Western Australia
The Quality of Sprawl - dear Les Murray pontificating. someone has made off with Subhuman Redneck Poems, so I am left with this
Eight Cousins and a Rose in Bloom, gobbled via the internet
Lost in a Good Book
From the Holy Mountain
Radiant Choices
rather a lot: escapist, moi? I don't want to make big messes so no sewing, carpentry or painting and I feel a little stymied. I finished Robert Graves Greek Myths and feel educated, much I remember.
I will see if I can take a photo of the spectacular illuminated boats in the next marina along from us. They are simply beautiful, and cheer me every time I go past.
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