Monday, November 26, 2007

Curious Flavour

We were talking last night about Ailment of the Moment, which seems to be bipolarity if judged by fresh tv advertising, and is trivialised by such which can't help the truly bipolar a whit. Since we all have moods it is a relatively small leap to pathology, if that is what one is looking for.

It doesn't answer why we can wake one morning bouncy and eager as Pippa Passes, and another laden with the woes of the world. Not truly cyclical either. Note: meditate more.

So, there was a Curious Flavour to this morning, and I am pondering its origin. This is back to reality Monday after the Thanksgiving long weekend which lends a slightly hung-over feeling (so unfair I can still feel hungover when I don't drink!), the pleasant promise of closure on the chairs and cushions is muted, the world has moved under my feet now I am on Leopard, I slept in, and I ate apple pie last night with Cissy and George so feel I have no will-power at all. So, the over-all flavour so far is chastened.


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