Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I should know by now that when I tackle some substantial project other things go undone, so why does it bother me that the kitchen is cluttered? The bathroom hall light too has parted company with the strange fibreboard of its ceiling and dangles from its wires like something from a scare movie. Swinging would add.

So, my happy home is irking me. Yesterday I cut and fitted most of the side battens for the horizontal joists, and boarded the apex of the gable to my satisfaction, but stopped at four and enjoyed a Triple Feature, of which the best by far was Brother, Where Art Thou? Since I can't work as hard as I used to in youth, I work cunning and enjoy the time left over. Nowhere in this formula is there time for straightening the kitchen, but there is time for cooking, so it is easy to see where the mess comes from. I look in the mirror and see my grandmother's face.

We are able to do something useful about the oil spill though, as we are filming rescued birds for WildCare this afternoon. So the ceiling can wait, and meanwhile I am enjoying my absolute favourites on iTunes.


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