Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I spent this afternoon in the company of little boys - three year olds, with two five year olds joining us later, and I enjoyed it as I would the company of rolling and tumbling puppies. Their interactions, their questions, usually after a long pause to indicate thought process, their sweetness and transparency were all charming. I have come back home to the peace of sky and sea, and the prospect of a tranquil evening. Wordsworthian.

I am very short on concerts here, probably because I never go out! I am not half as adventurous as Norma, Master of Dodas Ways, not in music, fashion or activities, and she has caught up on holidays. It might be because I am so cheap.

I have finished Dawn by Octavia Butler, and it was just the balance Gilead needed, something harsh in the writing and wildly inventive. Not quite the revelation Greg Bear's Blood Music was for me, but thought provoking.


Blogger Tricia Rose said...

...but you should see my sister!

11:30 AM  

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