Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Value, values and valuing. This has been a minor preoccupation since I realised that I ascribe the whole value of any treasured possession to even the last dregs or rags of it. Hence my shock/horror/disbelief when someone with the opposite belief - that the thing depreciates over its lifetime - throws away my sacred relic.
Of course they are right. I had no idea I was so irrational.

Things I don't care for are tossed without a fare-thee-well.

What about people? Roger's death has triggered a see-sawing of emotions. I miss him even though the last few months were so difficult, I remind myself that I often marvelled at his pleasure in small things, the sun on his back, good coffee - when he was in such pain and so diminished. So I am consciously valuing small things too, as his memorial. Nothing is beneath my attention, since the valuing gives it value.


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