Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Driven, maybe?

After a day in heels and makeup I felt like a dainty task to ground me - something like sorting the linen cupboard with lavender bags. Yesterday involved a lot of heavy manual labour. I was in a temper so a truck-load of good soil to spread and thistles to weed filled the bill perfectly, and I even found that one anonymous pot was a cool orchid such as I have been lusting after so the whole day was shapely. The shape of THIS day is far more ladylike.

My bathroom cupboard is now a fragrant vision of order and ruthless pruning, and my bedside table is much better than it was, only lacking neat little boxes to hold genera apart. I don't know quite how to get my hands on such and wish I had stock-piled some which came to hand for other purposes. I have brushed the cat and my toenails twinkle, but the glint has not left my eye and I must do more.

Should I lie down until the feeling goes away? Is this quite healthy?


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