Friday, June 29, 2007

The Motherload

I feel quite content with my progress this week, ending with painting again today, just the little hall off the bathroom, all the filling and sanding is done, and the walls, and the woodwork can be done tomorrow. I bought and installed all new door handles and locks too, the old ones were always ugly but I must have become used to them, and only galvanised myself into action spurred by the example of Norma and Paddy getting their places ready for sale and wondering why they didn't do it years ago. This is very good motivation.

For fun I watched Stephen Colbert, he was interviewing an author on what makes us happy. I gather we don't know.

For further fun I have The Diana Chronicles to read, we filmed Tina Brown yesterday so I am agog to read it, Mary had bought it. And we are going out tomorrow, and I promised Felix I'd help him garden too. Plenty to do.


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