Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not just Sewing

Yesterday I set up my machine at the big table under the skylights, put on my music and just sat and sewed while fresh salt air wafted round me, bathed in sound and fresh, bright linen, and pondered Bishop Spong, and the gospel makers, and poor tortured St Paul; groping back to remember all the early Church history I learned not once but twice! I tried to immerse myself into the mindset of the 1st century, Mark, then Matthew, a brief voyage around Patmos for St John and then back to Luke...

Meanwhile Stefan had come happily back from the bank and breezed in, lowering the screen against the daylight to check a disk, backwards and forwards to find the Bluray, then set up, put in the disc (notoriously slow). So he started singing to it (Rawhide): "Loadin' loadin' loadin'-"

"STEFAN! I'm thinking about St Luke!"


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