Sunday, May 03, 2009

Goodness and Mercy

Gentle, constant, unstinting, soaking rain since Friday; I wake in the night to hear it and relax in the deepest fibre of my being. All my buckets are full, my little pond overflows, even the reeds in their salt water look greener and stouter. This is an especial blessing as the rains are usually over in March.

I am sewing a second long sofa cushion for Carolyn, wrapping and shaping the foam, I have cut out Zany's stuff and anxiously await the return of my sewing machine, with its tension correct this time. I have been drawing compulsively since I can't sew, and will see if I can harness my muse to my income. Sometimes I feel it is enough just to have an idea, then move on to the next one - certainly that way is the most interesting, but it doesn't exist until it is made concrete. I have ordered a fair amount of fabric and bulk invisible zippers - invisible for the posh - and shall see how I go. This is not an area where I have confidence.

The second house Penny found for Dee and Ed, the second one with promise that is, went into contract on Friday, Dee and Ed are not back from Antigua until Monday. I noticed the first one fell through the day I measured up and produced the floor plans for a new extension and layout, brilliant though I say it myself. The second one fell through the morning after I had a 2am epiphany about the style, positioning and layout of the new work, and even the roof angles... Even I can get fed up with bright ideas which never manifest.

The function of time is concretion from potential. Whitehead.


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