Wednesday, December 07, 2005

First blog

I think we blog because we want to to be known, understood and loved. Disclosure and anonymity at the same time, without having to argue, what a relief. Nobody gets hurt.

And it's all about me, my thoughts, my opinions, Lear howling to the wind.

I filled in a great long section for a Friend's Amazon Wish List, honed it, polished it til it reflected a very flattering self, then kicked the power strip in my excitement and lost the lot. Did it again, but this time my Interests, my Books and my Movies saved, but not my Music or my Outline. I decided *God* was telling me to let it go. Was it too pompous, self-serving or offensive? Will I gain insight speculating? It could go either way.

The blog attraction is the possibility of honesty. The king has asses ears. the possibilities are endless.


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